2024 Best English Language School in Radolfzell (from $759)

Recently reviewed English schools in Radolfzell

Carl Duisberg Centrum Radolfzell

During those three weeks at Carl Duisberg Centrum I improved my German a lot. We had a very friendly and supporting teacher and the class consisted of students from different countries which was wonderful. The school premises were nice and situated... more

Carl Duisberg Centrum Radolfzell

I liked the school building, from the outside it looked like Hogwarts from Harry Potter. I had a very great teacher (Angelika Hammelsbeck), who always asked us good questions to make us share our opinions and knew how to explain the tiny differences... more


What type of English course are you looking for?


Junior English courses

Junior English courses are for children ages 8 to 12 and teenagers ages 13 to 18 who want to study English. 4 - 8 week courses available in the summer from June to August.